
We are living in the time of pests and plagues, but Heaven hasn't abandoned us. As you'll discover we've been given many natural remedies in order to help us to survive during these times.


Natural Medicine

Then God said: Let the earth bring forth vegetation… God saw that it was good. (Gen 1:11-12) God makes the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent should not neglect. (Sirach 38:4) Their fruit is used for food, and their leaves for healing. (Ezekiel 47:12) …the leaves of the trees serve as medicine for the nations. (Rev 22:2)


Many people are turning back to medicinal plants as another approach to healing .....after all medicinal plants have been a resource for healing since time began because of  their remarkable health benefits. 

It would be an impossible task to list every single plant and herb that have the ability to heal, and really this isn't just what this website is all about.  

For those who are unaware 'Heaven' has been guiding us, especially in this time when the world has been affected by the Covid 19 Virus.  As you can note from the dates...we were warned of this coming virus and of many more still to come.  The following are just snippets of  the many messages from heaven that have been given to us.


"Epidemics will multiply until they become pandemics; eradicated diseases are returning.....", Jesus Christ, 04.26.2019.


"My Beloved People, many diseases are hanging over Humanity, and I mention this and bring it to your attention in order for you to protect yourselves. Viruses are swarming in the air and you must protect yourselves; that is why My Mother has given you and will continue to give you the necessary natural medicines so that you put them into practice....".Jesus Christ, 11.20.2018.



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Julie West
3 years ago

Janet it's Julie shaunas freind

Janet Harper
3 years ago

Hi Julie, Nice to see you here. I hope you can navigate this site without a problem. I'm still learning myself. :-)

God Bless You

3 years ago

Very interesting with lots of useful information. God gave us all the medicine we need! Very helpful during these times we are in - Praise the Lord! x

Janet Harper
3 years ago

Thanks Jane...Hopefully this site will help many others too.

3 years ago

Very interesting and I agree that we should listen to God & take His protecting hand in these times.

Janet Harper
3 years ago

Thank you for your comment, Marie