Victim of the Bubonic Plague


 Luz de María de Bonilla was born in Costa Rica although at present she resides in Argentina. She travels constantly because of her mission, and she considers herself in her own words a “citizen of the World”.

According to Luz de Maria’s website, she comes from a family with deep Christian roots in which, along with her siblings, she grew up surrounded by an atmosphere of spirituality, with the Eucharist as the center of her life. Her youth went alongside the presence of her beloved Guardian Angels and of the Blessed Mother who are her companions and confidants. Since then they share with her Heavenly Manifestations, thus foreshadowing what would materialize little by little years later.

In the Holy Week of the year 1990 Luz de Maria has a definitive meeting with the Blessed Mother, who announces to her the physical recovery from the illness that she was suffering and welcomes her in a special way to prepare her for the meeting with Her Divine Son, beginning this way a long journey during which the mission that Heaven had designed for her was subtly being clarified. After a long wait during which Christ and the Blessed Mother gradually prepare her, asking her discretion in that period, Heaven orders her to communicate the Divine Word she has received and continues to receive, to all of humanity.

By the month of March of 1992 (more than 27 years ago) she began her mission, receiving messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary, from Our Lord Jesus Christ and sometimes from Saint Michael the Archangel. All started with the messages of the Blessed Mother that she heard in her mind in the form of internal locutions, afterwards, she also had visions of Mary and Jesus as well as visions of some coming events such as mystical experiences of the Warning, and about epidemics that will arise in the coming years.

Regarding the frequency of the messages, Luz de María says she receives, since she began her mission, about two messages per week and on occasion, one per week.

Christ makes known to her the persecution, injustice, defamation and slander which she will face from those who do not accept these Divine Calls and who will not tire of persecuting her so as to end this Work, but she accepts, knowing that as an instrument of Christ she must follow the same path Christ walked on Earth.

Luz de María begins to perceive that as time goes by, the Word of Christ and of the Blessed Mother increase in its magnitude and intensity, due to the proximity of the events humanity will face. In each Divine Call, however, prevails Love, Mercy and at the same time Divine Justice. And they announce and denounce the reality of the purification of the human race — a purification that is a fruit of the disobedience of present-day man and of the mismanagement he has given to advances in all fields, with man thus transforming himself into his own scourge.

Beside her, Priests from several countries have remained who guide her, but as Christ himself tells her “I am your true spiritual director”, for it is Christ who guides each one of her steps. Father Jose Maria Fernandez Rojas, who from the beginning of the manifestations has been beside her as her confessor, has also accompanied her prayer group. At present, two priests are permanently with her.

The messages she receives are recorded by two people, then transcribed by a religious woman and a priest makes the spelling corrections. Another priest reviews them before being uploaded to her website ( and published for sharing with the world.

The Mission of Luz de Maria, in total obedience to Christ, is to be an instrument of the Divine Truth in this instant and to announce and denounce what Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother indicate to her so that the children of God continue to fight for their own conversion and that of all their brothers and sisters, recognizing and strongly battling the evil that surrounds them, and dedicated, continue on the path of Salvation in all aspects of life.

It is thus that the Divine Word that Luz de Maria receives invites humanity, as children of the same Father, to reach unity of all brothers and sisters, fulfilling the First Commandment and echo of the Call of Christ that calls His People to be one.

Jesus Christ:
May 2009

I invite you not to forget the use of the sacramentals. In the case of contagious diseases (pestilences, plagues, etc.), anoint doors and windows with blessed oil. If you are sick, sprinkle food with holy water and keep in mind the use of medicinal plants that My Mother has instructed you to use for these unforeseen cases.

Oil of the Good Samaritan (Also known as 'Thieves Oil') 


While the Bubonic Plague was causing havoc in the 15th Century  four thieves were captured and accused of appropriating the belongings of dead and dying people. When the thieves were prosecuted, the magistrate offered them clemency if they revealed how they avoided getting the infection while they were stealing the goods.  When being interrogated, they said that they were perfumers and merchants of spices, and that they had heard of a special preparation of aromatic herbs and other ingredients, which by rubbing it in their hands, ears, and temples protected them from the disease. This is why it was called Thieves Oil.

In 1997, studies were conducted on this formula, by the University of Weber (Utah, United States) and proved that it is 99.96% effective against airborne bacteria. Bacterial cultures were sprayed in an enclosed space, and the mixture was dispersed for an amount of time.  After 10 minutes of exposure, there was a reduction of..
 82% in the luteus micrococcus
 96% in aeruginosa pseudomonas
 44% in the staphylococcus aureus


On June 3rd, 2016, the Blessed Mother gave Luz de Maria indications to change its name and rename it as 'OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN', as well as to start using it from now on as a preventive against upcoming epidemics: 

 “Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity: use the oil of the Good Samaritan

(1) as protection faced with a case of a highly contagious disease where you live – the quantity of the head of a pin on the earlobes will suffice

(2). If the number of those infected increases, you should put it on both sides of your neck and on the wrists of both hands.” Blessed Virgin Mary, 01.28.2020




5 Pure essential oils + 1 Base oil
Essential oils:
 Cinnamon oil
 Clove oil
 Lemon oil
 Rosemary oil
 Eucalyptus oil
Base oil:
The base oil can be olive oil, almond oil or mineral oil. The ratio should be 1 measure of pure oil to 5
measures of base oil

Click here to look at the research that Lea Mallett has done on the Oil of the Good Samaritan


 "Plague is coming to Humanity and you, My children, know how to prevent it; do not dismiss My Assistance facing what science will not be capable of controlling promptly. "
-Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – May 02, 2018

More recently, in November 2019, a month before China publicly announced the ‘discovery’ of the novel Coronavirus, the Blessed Mother insisted again on the use of this oil:

CHANGING INTO A PANDEMIC, CAUSING TERROR AND FEAR. You have been warned by the Father’s House and have the teachings about natural medicines for combating these contagious diseases. PREPARE THE OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN TO PREVENT CONTAGION."
-Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María – Nov. 03, 2019



Luz de María and the Catholic Church

Although the Catholic Church would hardly make any statement about private revelations while these continue to occur (and in many cases even several decades after its cessation), there is actually an Imprimatur from the Catholic Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata, of Nicaragua, who after reading all the content of the messages, from 2009 to September 2017, and prayer books, found nothing against the Faith or sound doctrine, recommending the reading of the revelations to all Christians.

In addition, Bishop Emeritus of San Vicente (El Salvador), Monsignor José Oscar Barahona Castillo, granted an Imprimatur for the prayer of the Holy Spirit.

The fact that a Catholic bishop has read and granted the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur affirming that there is nothing in the texts contrary to the Faith and Christian doctrine is a very good precedent for everyone to be encouraged to keep reading these revelations.

On the other hand, this also reveals the persecution and smear campaign against Luz de María, which is appreciable with just conducting a search of her name on the web, and it is unfortunate that some of the websites where she is defamed have as goal to lead to Christian spirituality.

Blessed Grapes (In times of Famine)

esus Christ:
October 27, 2014

“I do not forsake you. Do not forget to keep in your homes grapes blessed in My Name for times of famine.”


Click here and then click on “Recipe for Blessed Grapes during Times of Famine,” to read Luz de María’s commentary on how to prepare blessed grapes (or other small fruit, if grapes are not available).

For those who want to try growing their own from seed I recommend buying a heirloom plant which has been grown for at least 50 years.  St. Clare Seeds  might be one place where you can go for more information though I am sure the Lord will bless any grape that you have.  

Luz de Maria:
April 22, 2010

"Christ and the Blessed Mother have told me that if we bless food that is contaminated—of course, always maintaining much faith—it will not cause us harm.

Heaven does not forsake its faithful children, therefore it has given recommendations for dealing with food contamination, especially for those who live in places where most food is contaminated."

Private message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria:
November 2012

Beloved daughter, a spoonful of honey and some nuts will be sufficient food for the survival of the body: they provide what is necessary for all organs to function properly. Tell My children this so that it would be a blessing for them in times of famine. 


Grateful thanks To 'Countdown to the Kingdom' for much information used in this site.  

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